Musing; Buried In a Blanket of Smiles

Like polythene before a flame
Her insides dripped like melting rubber
Clutching her midsection
Like that would stop the feeling
She bent over.

Buzz went the phone
Pinching her face
She picked it
Cheerily, the caller yapped on
She wanted to puke
Her burden seeming to force itself 
Up her throat
She smiled
Hoping the caller wouldn't detect
Her true state.

Dressed quite colourfully
All part of the facade
Generously gifting all she met
Along the way
A smile here
A smile there.

The drip, drip, drip continued
Would she collapse
Right here in full glare?
The religious ones would run 
For their paraphernalia
Trying to urge out the guest from sheol
Attacking her body
Others would take to different directions
The new generation phone-totters
Would snatch up their phones
And record away
She would trend in no time at all.

All she needed was someone 
A shoulder
Someone who cared
Someone to ease the pain
Someone to half the burden
But everyone passed by
Oblivious of her struggle
Seeing only the blanket of smiles
She shrouded herself in.


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