Musing; Are There Really Different Types Of Sexual Molestation?

Rape is a violent crime involving sexual acts forced on one person by another. It is technically defined as forced penetration (with any body part or object) into another person, including anal, vaginal or oral intercourse. However, this does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose, which will be by consent obtained from the patient or their carer. Rape is illegal and while the term "rape" specifies penetration, other sexual acts not involving penetration, when forced on someone, are also illegal. There are several types of rape. 

The forms of rape may be specified based on who is committing the rape, who the rape victim is and the specific actions involved in the rape. Some types of rape are considered much more severe than others. For example, any type of rape resulting in someone's death is punishable by death in the United States.

Diminished Capacity Rape
The type of rape known as diminished capacity rape is committed when one person forces sexual penetration on another person who cannot consent to the sex act. People with diminished capacity can't consent to sexual acts due to limited physical or intellectual ability. An example would be a person with an intellectual disability. Diminished capacity rape also takes place when a person has no ability to consent to sexual acts due to intoxication.

Age-Related Rape
Another form of rape is age-related. This type of rape is often known as statutory rape as specified both in federal and state laws. In this case, sexual actions with a person below a minimum age is considered illegal in all cases. There is an age known as the age of consent. Sexual acts with a person above the minimum age but below the age of consent may be considered rape. Specific ages are specified by state.

Incest is a type of rape dictated by the relationship between the two parties. When the two parties involved in the sex act are closely related (in other words, they are family), it is often considered as rape. Examples of incest include:

  • Parents and children
  • Uncles and nieces or nephews
  • Aunts and nieces or nephews

Laws vary by state as to specifically what constitutes incest. 

Partner Rape
Marital rape is defined as any unwanted sexual acts by a spouse or ex-spouse, committed without consent and/or against a person's will, obtained by force, or threat of force, intimidation, or when a person is unable to consent.  It is estimated that, in the United States, approximately 10-14% of married women are raped by their husbands. Marital rape accounts for approximately 25% of all reported rape cases although it is the most underreported rape. 

The physical and emotional consequences on survivors lasts for years.
Emotionally, marital rape survivors may have flashbacks, inability to trust, depression, and traumatic stress disorder. Marital rape is a controversial issue because people continue to believe that marital rape is contractually impossible because wives gave up their right to give consent when they became married. Even though there is still some injustice when it comes to marital rape, this type of rape is gaining more attention today than it has in the past.

There are three types of partner rape:

  • Battering rape ā€“ involving both physical and sexual violence.
  • Force-only rape ā€“ involving the imposition of power and control over another.
  • Obsessive/Sadistic rape ā€“ involving torture and perverse sexual acts.

Acquaintance Rape
Often acquaintance rape is known as "date rape" as the two people involved may be in a social relationship at the time. It is defined as "unlawful sexual intercourse accomplished by force or fear with a person known to the victim who is not related by blood or marriage". This person can be a classmate, co-worker, friend, neighbor, date, and even your own boyfriend. Some victims don't recognize acquaintance rape as rape but it's important to remember that consent for sexual activity can be revoked at any time and a prior relationship does not mean that rape cannot occur.

Acquaintance rape is far more common than stranger rape. Statistics have shown that 50% to 88% of rape victims know their perpetrators. It has been reported that as many as 15% to 30% of women will experience date rape at some point in their lives but this number may be low because many women who have been victimized fail to report rapes. Women are reluctant to report this because society believes that a woman who was attacked by someone she knew must have somehow "asked for it". Research has found that victims of acquaintance rape are blamed more than victims of stranger rape. Two-out-of-three sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows

Aggravated Rape
Aggravated rape is a type of rape defined in the law as:

  • Forced sex acts by threat of death or serious bodily injury.
  • Forced sex acts involving an unconscious or drugged victim.
  • Sex acts with children under the age of 12.

Gang Rape
Gang Rape is the sexual attack of a victim by more than one person. This type of rape tends to include alcohol and drug use, fewer weapons, more night attacks and less victim resistance. They typically occur where there are pre-existing male bonds, such as on athletic teams, in fraternities, and within military units, but can also happen as planned retaliation or at parties.

Prison Rape
Prison Rape is the rape of prisoners by fellow prisoners or prison guards. This does not only occur in male prisons, it can occur in female prisons as well. Prison rape is mistakenly associated with homosexuality; however it is not usually about sex, but the exertion of power. Prison Rape can be difficult on survivors as they may not have access to proper health and psychological resources in prison. Survivors of this type of rape may not be believed, especially if the perpetrator is a prison guard.

Wartime Rape
Wartime rape has been used as a demoralizing attack against civilians of
opposing nations. This type of rape occurs with prisoners of war as a way of exerting power and it also occurs between fellow service members. Rape of service members can be hard to report, especially if the perpetrator is a superior. Rape of service members breaks down morale and the unity of the military.

Drug Related Assault/Rape
Drug Related Assault is when the perpetrator uses a drug to impair the victim for a sexual assault. The most common substance used is alcohol. Perpetrators provide the victim with immense amounts of alcohol until the victim is unaware of the situation and therefore unable to give consent. Recreational drugs may be used such as ecstasy, marijuana or acid in order to diminish the victim's capacity to provide consent. 

Other Types of Rape
Rape can occur in many other ways as well, including by strangers or in conjunction to a hate crime. However, it's critical to remember that whatever form of rape occurs, it is always the fault of the rapist and never the fault of the victim.

Culled and edited. Credits:,,, Google images


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