Did You Know You'd Been Doing It Wrong?

Who made the rules we've been following as regards some everyday activities? We just get used to doing things in a particular way, we didn't really explore other, easier ways to do them. Some of these will surprise you.

Badly boiled egg:

Correctly boiled egg:
Add one teaspoon of baking soda. Itā€™ll make the shell come off effortlessly.
You're eating the popsicle wrong:

Simply use a cupcake wrapper!

Opening a Banana at the Tip?

Pinch the bottom ends and split open. Youā€™ll end up with a cartoon-perfect banana peel, plus it eliminates the stringy stuff.

Don't eat a cupcake like this

Make a cupcake sandwich. Equal frosting to cake ratio in every bite.

Youā€™re doing it wrong, cutting cherry tomatoes one by one

Sandwich the Tomatoes Between Two Plastic Lids and Slice Across

 You reach your sponge down, accidentally cut yourself on one of the blades, and start bleeding everywhere.

The right way

An entire container of these dainty little candies, consumed in one sitting.

The Tic Tac dispenser is specifically engineered to allot ONE AT A TIME.

 Youā€™re doing it wrong, squeezing lemons.

Use a Pair of Tongs. Youā€™ll get much more juice out. Another tip: microwave for a few seconds. Itā€™ll make the lemon softer and more squeezable.

Peeling a potato with a peeler. You are wasting so much valuable potato!

After boiling the potato, put into cold water for 5 minutes. Twist the potato skin off with your hands ā€” it should come right off.

You havenā€™t quite mastered how not to get jelly all over yourself.


The Right Way to Make peanut butter and jelly: The Pocket Method

The Wrong Way to Enjoy a Bag of Chips

Roll up the bottom to create a snack bowl. You can now serve chips at parties without having to dirty yet another bowl.

Living Through the Pain of New Shoes

Break In Your Shoes In Under Five Minutes. Put on a thick pair of socks and then put on your shoes. Aim a hairdryer at the shoes, concentrating on the tighter spots. Wiggle your toes and feet around. Keep them on while they cool.
Remove the socks and test out shoes. They should be stretched out, but if not, just repeat the process.

Did you get an easier way to do some of those things you had a procedure for before?

Culled and edited.


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