Musing; The Call Of Fatherhood

Fatherhood is a great calling. A responsibility to and for lives and generations yet unconceived. A place of honor and respect. What we see today is a major contrast to what should be. Being a MAN, is not license to become a terror, dictator, monster or heartless. 

Thereā€™s this song I like a lot ā€“ 

Thatā€™s just the way The Father is
Heā€™ll be your friend when youā€™re not His
Thatā€™s just the way
Thatā€™s just the way He is
Heā€™s nothing like your other friends
Heā€™ll be with you until the end
Thatā€™s just the way
Thatā€™s just the way He is

No matter the way you look at it, the perfect example of Fatherhood is God. Talk about sacrifice, He made the greatest. How many of us can give up our child for a bunch of people that did not deserve His saliva? Not to talk of His blood? I can speak for myself and really, I cannot. And if He did not love us, really LOVE us, that sacrifice would never have happened. Where do our men these days find their definition of love?

The moment a man has a woman in his life, not even married yet o, he begins to flex the ā€œalpha maleā€ muscle. Men, can I tell you a secret? If you have to prove youā€™re the head, youā€™ve already lost that headship. An airplane pilot does not need to prove to his passengers heā€™s the one in charge. All he needs to do is get in the cockpit and man the controls. His uniform alone passes a message ā€“ Iā€™m the one in charge! Be who you should be. Stand in your place. Take up your responsibility. All you think you need to fight for will automatically fall in place.

Save the divergent, women are not the bad people men envision. A woman is naturally submissive, but she needs the right head to submit to. One that fears and submits to God, respects himself and respects her, treats her right, takes care of her and the kids and is fun to be with (not an uptight sour-faced person). You may be surprised that a woman is fiercely
protective of her man when heā€™s a good one. Without thinking, she would stand between him and a gun (and I know of one such case). It would take self-control on her part not to worship him, even. You do not need your fists, man. You need a change in approach and a healthy opinion of yourself. Your wife is not your competition. Sheā€™s not your practice punching bag nor a piece of decoration. Too many women are dying from domestic violence, either physical, psychological, emotional or a combination of all. And I keep asking, if that woman were your daughter, will you be happy to see her treated the way you treat yours?  

Letā€™s look at culture and tradition. I understand the need for these, to carry on generations, but only the parts of it that are positive. Those archaic thinking of a man is to be served should be reviewed and updated. Scriptures say the woman is the HELPMEET. If Iā€™m helping you out with a chore, it is not my responsibility, Iā€™m only lending a hand. So, where do we get off thinking the man should become a tin-god? Mutual help fosters better relationships. 

Put aside your childhood beliefs of a traditional man, get to know the real essence of being a man. Get healing from emotional scars of the past, do not allow them mar your future. What good is it to a man that he cannot go home at the end of a busy day into the waiting warm arms of a woman that completely loves him? If he has to sneak around and tell lies to be with a woman, he has lost the real joy of having that woman. 

I plead with you today, as the world stands for MEN today, put a positive mark on history.
Influence lives around you positively. Be an envy of generations that will never meet you but will hear about you, read about you and see the trail of who you were. I salute all men that have stayed through thick and thin, with their families, and despite needing support themselves, have rendered support to those around them. 

Whoever said being a man was easy, obviously is not a man. You are not a mistake being a man, no. you have the capability to be one, thatā€™s why you came out with that rich, deep, resounding cry!


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