Two Thirds

Just like a blink, the first third of the year 2016 is gone! I realised that and it hit me like a hard shove from the back. Why? Because the year is doing its' own thing, day in, day out and I wonder if I'm doing mine.

The first third of the year has been filled with all sorts of drama, regardless of which part of the world you're in, you can relate with this. There have been surprises, tears, laughter, sighs, introspection, joy, anger, the whole works. Sometimes, it feels like we're past mid way.

However, no matter what it has been on your side, face this new phase with optimism. Breathe. Let off steam. Decompress. Love yourself, then, you can love others.

My heart particularly goes out to those silently going through struggles. Whatever those struggles are, know that you can overcome them, if you set your mind to it. Find a friend to hold your hand through, going the whole hog alone is extra burdensome. You will be fine.

And to those having a blast, having the best of times, hurray! Spread the cheer. Be a friend, a true friend. By the end of this month, be the reason someone smiled, be the reason someone held on to hope again.

Happy new month all!


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