2 cups Beans (white or brown)
Onions (2 bulbs)
Palm oil

Step 1
Soak the beans in a bowl with water for about 20 minutes, wash and sieve out the back (leaving the white split cotyledons), then pour into a pot and start cooking with just water and about half teaspoon of powdered potash, the potash act as a catalyst, most people use potash to hasten the cooking process while others avoid it for health or personal reasons

Step 2
Cook for twenty to fifty minutes until it is very soft and ready for mashing. After that use a short strong neat broom to mash it till soft (there is often a broom kept for this purpose, the same that is used for ewedu soup). The reason for this is just to grind the already cooked beans to a seedless soft pudding. You can choose to blend the cooked beans in a blender. Set the mashed
beans/paste apart in a clean bowl.

Step 3
Transfer into a pot, add the onions, seasoning, pepper, salt, palm oil and allow it to steam for 10 minutes then a delicious pot of gbegiri soup is made, or you can follow step 3B.

Step 3B
After following step 2 to a T, set your cooking pot on the burner, use about 10 to 15cl of palm oil, allow to heat then add sliced onions, mashed beans, pepper, other seasoning of choice, iru (locust bean), salt to taste, allow to cook for five minutes. You can serve gbegiri with amala, fufu or eba. Some people choose to add ewedu soup to it. Whichever way you choose, enjoy your meal! 


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