Health Check; Strawberry

The Strawberry is called "the queen of fruits" In Asian countries because it’s packed with health benefits. Compared to fruits like apples, oranges or bananas, strawberries have the highest amount of nutrients.

These juicy heart-shaped delights have much more to offer beyond sweetness and flavor, they are considered as a powerfood.

10 Health Benefits of Strawberries
1. Help burn stored fat
The red coloring contains anthocyanins, which stimulate the burning of stored fat. When a group of animals was fed a high-fat diet along with anthocyanins, they gained 24 percent less weight than the animals eating the high-fat diet without added anthocyanins. 

2. Boost short term memory
The anthocyanins boost short term memory by 100 percent in eight weeks. 

3. Low in calories – High in fiber
One cup contains only 54 calories.

4. Ease Inflammation
Strawberries lower blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a signal of inflammation in the body. In a study, women who ate 16 or more strawberries per week were 14 percent less likely to have elevated levels of CRP. 

5. Lower cardiovascular disease
Flavonoids — which are responsible for the colour and flavour of strawberries — lower the risk for heart disease.

6. Promote bone health
Strawberries contain potassium, vitamin K and magnesium which are important for bone health.

7. Prevent oesophageal cancer
Studies show freeze-dried strawberry powder may help prevent human oesophageal cancer.

8. Anti-aging properties
Strawberries are filled with biotin, which helps build strong hair and nails. They also contain the antioxidant ellagic acid, which protects the elastic fibers in our skin to prevent sagging. 

9. Good for weight loss
The compound nitrate found promotes blood flow and oxygen in our body, which is great for weight loss.

10. Promote eye health
Eating three or more servings of fruit like strawberries may lower the risk of macular degeneration, a condition resulting in vision loss. 

How to Store Strawberries
It’s best to consume strawberries as soon as you harvest or purchase them. Keeping them in the refrigerator will not improve their quality. They should be kept at room temperature for a few hours. Anthocyanin, which is responsible for the red color of strawberries, is heat sensitive. This is the reason strawberries turn brown in warm temperatures.

Unwashed strawberries should be stored loosely, covered with plastic wrap and placed on the coldest part of your refrigerator for about two days maximum as they lose nutrients quickly.
Only wash strawberries when ready to consume as they easily perish. To wash strawberries, place them in a colander and rinse them under running cold water. Do not soak them for they will lose their color and flavor. Do not remove their caps until after you have washed the berries. If you want frozen strawberries, wash them gently, let them dry and remove the caps. Place them on a cookie sheet and freeze. Place them in a ziplock bag once frozen. Make sure to suck out all the air and seal. You may keep them in your freezer up to six months.

Nutrition facts
Strawberries are considered one of the healthiest fruits. They are packed with antioxidants, lower blood pressure and protect your heart. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, they are also sodium, cholesterol and fat free.

There are 54 calories in 1 cup of strawberries (sliced, 166g) which is 1/3 the amount of calories in a banana.

Cautions for some people
Oxalates are commonly found in animals, plants, human beings and of course, strawberries. When oxalates become too concentrated in our body fluids they are crystalized, causing serious health problems.

People with existing and untreated gallbladder or kidney problems may want to avoid having strawberries. Research shows that oxalates may interfere with the absorption of calcium in our body. But more in-depth research is needed to prove this.


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