Everytime She Has A Period, She Goes Into Labour

Sophie Loader, 23, has a rare condition that caused her to be born with two separate wombs and a vagina, resulting in painful contractions similar to labour pains during menstruation every month. She experiences the painful contractions which she says last up to 72 hours because her second womb fills with blood ā€“ mimicking a full-term baby. The only way she can cope with the pain is through breathing exercises.

The mum-of-one said: ā€œIā€™ve been in labour more than 100 times, but only once for real. To say that itā€™s a pain would be an understatement. It might shock women to hear I have been in labour more than one hundred times. When I was 13 and the contractions started, I had never felt pain like it and couldnā€™t understand what was happening to me, it was terrifying ā€“ even the doctor thought I might be pregnant. When I had Chase I was drugged up to the nines for my c-section, so sadly I canā€™t compare the pain of real labour to my fake contractions. But I wouldnā€™t wish this on any woman. One labour is more than enough.ā€

When Sophie was 13, she started her period but with it came excruciating pain. She said: ā€œI was doubled over in agony and my mum had to call an ambulance. It was terrifying and felt like my insides were being ripped apart.ā€

After months of tests, doctors finally told Sophie that she had two wombs. While the left womb was healthy, the right side would fill up with blood each month and trick her body into thinking it was giving birth. She said: ā€œI was hospitalised more than 30 times because I couldnā€™t cope with the symptoms. Each time they would give me gas and air to control the pain. In the end, all doctors could do was teach me how to control my contractions using breathing exercises that real women in labour use.ā€

After the birth, Sophie had the contraceptive implant fitted and now only goes into ā€˜fake labourā€™ once every three months. She said: ā€œBeing is labour once a month for eight years was exhausting. Youā€™d think it would be enough to put me off having a baby. But ever since I was a little girl, Iā€™ve wanted to be a mother. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I am so lucky to have Chase. That being said, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be having another baby any time soon.ā€

Source: Mirror UK


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