Positions For Nursing Your Baby
Breastfeeding, one of the most natural acts in the world, takes practice. Learning how to hold and support your baby in a comfortable position for you calls for coordination ā and patience. Yet finding a nursing hold that works for you and your infant is well worth the effort. After all, the two of you will spend hours breastfeeding every day. Here are some time-tested positions to try, plus tips to make nursing go smoothly.
The Cradle Hold
This classic breastfeeding position requires you to cradle your baby's head with the crook of your arm. Sit in a chair that has supportive armrests or on a bed with lots of pillows. Rest your feet on a stool, coffee table, or other raised surface to avoid leaning down toward your baby.
Hold her in your lap (or on a pillow on your lap) so that she's lying on her side with her face, stomach, and knees directly facing you. Tuck her lower arm under your own. If she's nursing on the right breast, rest her head in the crook of your right arm.
Extend your forearm and hand down her back to support her neck, spine, and bottom. Secure her knees against your body, across or just below your left breast. She should lie horizontally, or at a slight angle.
Best for: The cradle hold often works well for full-term babies who were delivered vaginally. Some mothers say this hold makes it hard to guide their newborn's mouth to the nipple, so you may prefer to use this position once your baby has stronger neck muscles at about 1 month old. Women who have had a cesarean section may find it puts too much pressure on their abdomen.
The Cross-Over Hold
Also known as the cross-cradle hold, this position differs from the cradle hold in that you don't support your baby's head with the crook of your arm. Instead, your arms switch roles.
If you're nursing from your right breast, use your left hand and arm to hold your baby. Rotate his body so his chest and tummy are directly facing you. With your thumb and fingers behind his head and below his ears, guide his mouth to your breast.
Best for: This hold may work well for small babies and for infants who have trouble latching on.
The clutch or football hold
As the name suggests, in this position you tuck your baby under your arm (on the same side that you're nursing from) like a football or handbag.
First, position your baby at your side, under your arm. She should be facing you with her nose level with your nipple and her feet pointing toward your back.
Rest your arm on a pillow in your lap or right beside you, and support your baby's shoulders, neck, and head with your hand. Using a C-hold (see image), guide her to your nipple, chin first.
But be careful ā don't push her toward your breast so much that she resists and arches her head against your hand. Use your forearm to support her upper back.
Best for: You may want to try this hold if you've had a Cesarean section (to avoid having the baby rest on your stomach). And if your baby is small or has trouble latching on, the hold allows you to guide her head to your nipple. It also works well for women who have large breasts or flat nipples, and for mothers of twins.
Reclining position
To nurse while lying on your side in bed, ask your partner or helper to place several pillows behind your back for support. You can put a pillow under your head and shoulders, and one between your bent knees, too. The goal is to keep your back and hips in a straight line.
With your baby facing you, draw him close and cradle his head with the hand of your bottom arm. Or, cradle his head with your top arm, tucking your bottom arm under your head, out of the way.
If your baby needs to be higher and closer to your breast, place a small pillow or folded receiving blanket under his head. He shouldn't strain to reach your nipple, and you shouldn't bend down toward him. You may need to lift your breast, with your fingers underneath, so he can reach comfortably.
Best for: You may want to nurse lying down if you're recovering from a cesarean or difficult delivery, sitting up is uncomfortable, or you're nursing in bed at night or during the day.
Tips for every nursing position
Support your body. Choose a comfortable chair with armrests, and use pillows ā lots of them ā to lend extra support to your back and arms. (Most couches aren't supportive enough to sit on while breastfeeding). Stick a few under your feet, too, to avoid bending toward your baby. A footstool, coffee table, or stack of books works just as well. A pillow or folded receiving blanket on your lap can also keep you from hunching over. Whichever nursing position you use, be sure to bring your baby to your breast, rather than the other way around.
Support your breasts. Your breasts get bigger and heavier during lactation. As you nurse, use your free hand to support your breast with a C-hold (four fingers underneath the breast at 9 o'clock with your thumb on top at 3 o'clock) or a V-hold (support your breast between your splayed index and middle fingers).
Note: It's important to keep your fingers at least 2 inches behind the nipple and areola so that your baby doesn't suck on them instead.
Support your baby. Feeling comfortable and secure will help your baby nurse happily and efficiently. Use your arm and hand, plus pillows or a folded receiving blanket, to support your baby's head, neck, back, and hips and keep them in a straight line. You can swaddle her or gently hold her arms by her side to make nursing easier.
Vary your routine. Experiment to find a nursing position that you find most comfortable. Many women find that the best way to avoid getting clogged milk ducts is to regularly alternate breastfeeding holds. Because each hold puts pressure on a different part of your nipple, you may avoid getting sore nipples, too.
Note: If you alternate which breast you nurse from first at every feeding, you'll boost milk production.
Relax, then nurse. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and think peaceful, calming thoughts. Keep a tall, cool glass of water, milk, or juice on hand to drink while you breastfeed ā staying hydrated helps you produce milk.
Time to stop? Ideally, your baby will decide he's had enough when he's drained one or both breasts. If you need to change your baby's position, switch him to the other breast, or end his feeding for any reason, gently insert your finger into the corner of his mouth. A quiet "pop" means you've broken the suction (which can be remarkably strong!), and you can pull him away.
The Cradle Hold
Hold her in your lap (or on a pillow on your lap) so that she's lying on her side with her face, stomach, and knees directly facing you. Tuck her lower arm under your own. If she's nursing on the right breast, rest her head in the crook of your right arm.
Extend your forearm and hand down her back to support her neck, spine, and bottom. Secure her knees against your body, across or just below your left breast. She should lie horizontally, or at a slight angle.
Best for: The cradle hold often works well for full-term babies who were delivered vaginally. Some mothers say this hold makes it hard to guide their newborn's mouth to the nipple, so you may prefer to use this position once your baby has stronger neck muscles at about 1 month old. Women who have had a cesarean section may find it puts too much pressure on their abdomen.
The Cross-Over Hold
Also known as the cross-cradle hold, this position differs from the cradle hold in that you don't support your baby's head with the crook of your arm. Instead, your arms switch roles.
If you're nursing from your right breast, use your left hand and arm to hold your baby. Rotate his body so his chest and tummy are directly facing you. With your thumb and fingers behind his head and below his ears, guide his mouth to your breast.
Best for: This hold may work well for small babies and for infants who have trouble latching on.
The clutch or football hold
As the name suggests, in this position you tuck your baby under your arm (on the same side that you're nursing from) like a football or handbag.
First, position your baby at your side, under your arm. She should be facing you with her nose level with your nipple and her feet pointing toward your back.
Rest your arm on a pillow in your lap or right beside you, and support your baby's shoulders, neck, and head with your hand. Using a C-hold (see image), guide her to your nipple, chin first.
But be careful ā don't push her toward your breast so much that she resists and arches her head against your hand. Use your forearm to support her upper back.
Best for: You may want to try this hold if you've had a Cesarean section (to avoid having the baby rest on your stomach). And if your baby is small or has trouble latching on, the hold allows you to guide her head to your nipple. It also works well for women who have large breasts or flat nipples, and for mothers of twins.
Reclining position
To nurse while lying on your side in bed, ask your partner or helper to place several pillows behind your back for support. You can put a pillow under your head and shoulders, and one between your bent knees, too. The goal is to keep your back and hips in a straight line.
With your baby facing you, draw him close and cradle his head with the hand of your bottom arm. Or, cradle his head with your top arm, tucking your bottom arm under your head, out of the way.
If your baby needs to be higher and closer to your breast, place a small pillow or folded receiving blanket under his head. He shouldn't strain to reach your nipple, and you shouldn't bend down toward him. You may need to lift your breast, with your fingers underneath, so he can reach comfortably.
Best for: You may want to nurse lying down if you're recovering from a cesarean or difficult delivery, sitting up is uncomfortable, or you're nursing in bed at night or during the day.
Tips for every nursing position
Support your body. Choose a comfortable chair with armrests, and use pillows ā lots of them ā to lend extra support to your back and arms. (Most couches aren't supportive enough to sit on while breastfeeding). Stick a few under your feet, too, to avoid bending toward your baby. A footstool, coffee table, or stack of books works just as well. A pillow or folded receiving blanket on your lap can also keep you from hunching over. Whichever nursing position you use, be sure to bring your baby to your breast, rather than the other way around.
Support your breasts. Your breasts get bigger and heavier during lactation. As you nurse, use your free hand to support your breast with a C-hold (four fingers underneath the breast at 9 o'clock with your thumb on top at 3 o'clock) or a V-hold (support your breast between your splayed index and middle fingers).
Note: It's important to keep your fingers at least 2 inches behind the nipple and areola so that your baby doesn't suck on them instead.
Support your baby. Feeling comfortable and secure will help your baby nurse happily and efficiently. Use your arm and hand, plus pillows or a folded receiving blanket, to support your baby's head, neck, back, and hips and keep them in a straight line. You can swaddle her or gently hold her arms by her side to make nursing easier.
Vary your routine. Experiment to find a nursing position that you find most comfortable. Many women find that the best way to avoid getting clogged milk ducts is to regularly alternate breastfeeding holds. Because each hold puts pressure on a different part of your nipple, you may avoid getting sore nipples, too.
Note: If you alternate which breast you nurse from first at every feeding, you'll boost milk production.
Relax, then nurse. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and think peaceful, calming thoughts. Keep a tall, cool glass of water, milk, or juice on hand to drink while you breastfeed ā staying hydrated helps you produce milk.
Time to stop? Ideally, your baby will decide he's had enough when he's drained one or both breasts. If you need to change your baby's position, switch him to the other breast, or end his feeding for any reason, gently insert your finger into the corner of his mouth. A quiet "pop" means you've broken the suction (which can be remarkably strong!), and you can pull him away.
Credit: Baby Center
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