Get rid of those roaches

Cockroaches or roaches, as they are popularly known, are often regarded as the most nasty creature in the world. They can transmit malady and spread microorganisms everywhere in your home. Obviously, you have that pest control fellow and the exterminator too for help, however every one of those chemicals to kill the roaches are not very great for you, your kids, pets and any human living with you.

Getting rid of cockroaches can be a very difficult task. Together with dinosaurs, they're one of the oldest animals that inhabited the Earth. Once a cockroach makes itself at home in a house, it can be a real problem to kick them out. 

Fortunately, there is a natural remedy to clean your home of cockroaches with the help of a cucumber. Who wants cockroaches around their house? I know I donā€™t. So, why let these gross little critters roam around your home? Most of the time, we donā€™t know how creatures like these can get into our home, but they find a way. It can even be a difficult job to get rid of them once theyā€™re in. But, there is something you can do.

Cucumbers are a great way to get rid of cockroaches from your home. All you have to do is to put slices of cucumbers in places you've
noticed the roaches. The smell of cucumbers will keep them away because cucumbers stop the growth of harmful microbes, which acts as a barrier to cockroaches. Cucumbers are an easy remedy because they are easy to come by. There is no mixing, harsh chemicals, or a lot of money required.

Other natural ways are:

1.) Coffee Grinds
Whether the stimulant in coffee kills these roaches or the sweet-smelling coffee goes about as a bait is begging to be proven wrong. They will eat anything natural and on the off chance that you have ever perceived, they are particularly attracted to coffee grounds left over the counter among numerous different foods. Along these lines, bait them and dispense with them.

You Need This:
Expansive glass jars
Wet coffee grinds
Small cups

Take the glass jar and fill half way with water.
Take the small cups and place wet coffee grinds inside each of them.
Place one such measure inside all the jars.
Place these jars against dividers or baseboards or some other place where the roaches are settling.

What happens is, roaches get attracted to the smell of the coffee grinds and enter the jar. 
Once inside the jar, they canā€™t escape.
Make it a point to check the jars once daily. Once you observe, that the jar has many roaches, empty it. In any case, before disposing of the contents of the jar, make sure you remove the caps.
Fill the jars again with water and place some more wet coffee grinds in the cups and rehash the procedure.
Do this as often as required.

2.) Borax and Sugar 
This remedy uses sugar to attract them yet is utilized to get rid of them. Borax can be effectively  used to get rid of cockroaches. It dries out the roaches exoskeleton and harms their digestive framework. This is sufficient to kill them.

You Need This:
Equal parts of:

Take equal measures of borax and sugar and mix them.
Apply this mixture along the baseboards, in the sink, in the cracks of your cabinet  or some other place where the roaches hide. 
It only takes a couple of hours to see results. 
Precaution: Borax is classified as a toxic substance and needs to be utilized carefully, particularly if you have kids or pets at home. Try sprinkling the sugar and borax powder in higher places and where the kids and pets canā€™t reach. Always name the jar or the holder in which you store borax to avoid accidental poisoning.

3.) Fabric Softener 
Roaches use their skin to breath and when you spray a thick solution of fabric softener and water on them, it suffocates them, makes it troublesome for them to relax. Consequently, they get killed.

You Need This:
Fabric softener (concentrate) - 3 parts
Water - 2 parts
Spray bottle

Mix the fabric softener and water.
Fill the spray bottle with this thick solution.
Spray this over the cockroaches. 
You can also spray this in areas that you presume to be infested with roaches.

4.) Cucumber Trap
It is said that cucumber peels when placed in an aluminum can respond to the metal and deliver such a stink, to the point that isn't decent to roaches and they die off.

You Need This:
Crisp cucumber peels
Aluminum can

Place the cucumber peels in the can.
Place this can somewhere near a site where you think there are numerous cockroaches.
Watch the nasty creatures die away.

5.) Sugar and Baking Soda Mixture 
We have discussed borax and sugar mix that makes toxic bait for the roaches. In the event that you would prefer not to utilize borax, for safety reasons, you can combine baking soda with sugar to make equally effective bait for the roaches in your home. Sugar attracts roaches and baking soda affect the digestive arrangement of the roaches. It pumps a great amount of gas into the animal that it dies.

You Need This:
Baking Soda

Take equal measures of both ingredients and mix them.
Sprinkle the mix in areas infested by the roaches.

6.) Bay Leaf 
This is a natural repellent that pushes roaches away from your home as opposed to killing them. Bay leaf, a herb used widely as a part of Asian cooking, is easily accessible in the market. It is said that roaches canā€™t stand the smell of bay leaves and subsequently you can dispose of roaches permanently even without killing them.

You Need This:
Bay leaves - as much as is needed
Mortar and pestle 

Pound the bay leaves to powder form. 
Sprinkle this powder in and around places the roaches hide.

7.) Ammonia and Water
Ammonia acts as a repellent for roaches due to its sharp smell. 

You Need This:
Ammonia- 2 cups
Water- 1 basin

Add ammonia to a basin of water.
Wash the hard surfaces of your kitchen and bathroom with this solution.
Roaches will leave your home. However, keep on using this solution once in two weeks to prevent them from returning.

8.) Soda Bottle Traps 
Utilize empty soda bottles to make roach traps. 

You Need This:
Plastic soda bottle
A sharp blade or knife

Cut the top off the plastic soda bottle, at the neck of the threads. 
Take the cut threaded part and position into the the bottle, funnel-like. 
Use the tape to hold it in place.
Mix a little water with soap and pour into the bottle. 
Place this cockroach trap where roaches are seen frequently.
They will creep into the bottle and suffocate.

9.) Catnip 
Catnip herb is a natural repellent for roaches that can be used safely without causing harm to kids and pets. The most important element  in catnip is nepetalactone and this is non-toxic to people and pets.

Get small sachets of catnip and leave them in places where you see a cockroach.
Add 1 tsp of catnip to 2 cups of water to make a solution. 
Pour the solution in a spray bottle.
Spray in hiding places of the roaches.
Precaution: While the herb is safe for pets, it makes felines go insane, so in case you have a feline in your house, use any of the other methods. 

10.) Boric Acid 
This is what is commercially sold as insect repellent. However, it is a toxic way to dispose of roaches. 

You Need This:
Boric Acid

Put boric acid on top of kitchen or bathroom cabinets. 
Do not put boric acid inside cabinets. Remember, they are toxic.
If you can, put some in the ceiling or on top of high cabinets/shelves as roaches like high places. 
Precaution: Keep boric acid away from kids and pets. 
Wash your hands properly after applying.
Use gloves and wash them properly after use. Better still, use disposable gloves when handling boric acid.

Culled and edited. Image credits: Google images


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