Musing; Perfect Imperfection

We all like to be admired and told beautiful things. Ladies like their newly done manicure noticed, their recently carved eyebrows, and a number of other small details that mean the world to us, but which to the menfolk makes very little sense. Men take pride in their accomplishments, successes, ā€˜toysā€™, six packs and abs (rolls eyes) and some sports and activities womenfolk cannot wrap their heads around. From the spa visits to the hours spent at the salon, to the heavy gym investments and tireless working hours, everyone seeks one thing ā€“ PERFECTION.

I like to see myself as a little bit of a perfectionist, sometimes exhibiting signs of OCD (rolls eyes), but I prefer the imperfect to the perfect. That may seem like a contradiction, it isnā€™t. Imperfection to me is a canvas, I can turn out many ā€˜perfectsā€™ from. It is exciting and stirs the creative. Perfection is an end, closed, boring.

My creative streak is probably responsible for my restlessness. Peep this. A lady is size 10, 5ā€™8ā€, great skin, long hair, lovely fingers and nails, gets married to a basketball player physique man, both of them earn six figures monthly, have their houses and cars and lucrative businesses and the cutest boy and girl  anyone would want. After these? What? Recycling is what happens in such a life. A little pimple here, a small scar there, a home remedy trial here, a chemical burn there, lessons are learnt, processes are followed. At the end of these, the reveal is amazing. If you split the word 'imperfect', it reads 'I'm perfect'.

Accept yourself for who you are, accept your situation for what it is at the moment and work at bringing out the best of where youā€™re at per time. What the world sees as imperfection, see as a canvas, a drawing book that you can create ā€˜perfectionā€™ from. Things that happen to you are no error, no mistake, they are learning points. Your tears of today can be laughter tomorrow. Get up. Shake it off, pick yourself up, cooperate with God, work with Him and become the envy of The Perfects. In the words of Bruno Mars, ā€œyouā€™re amazing just the way you areā€. Yes you are!

Image Credit: Google images


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