Musing; View From Outside

Standing at the window of the house, I looked out and saw this pretty young lady staring admiringly at it. True, the exterior of the house is a jaw dropper anytime. 

A well manicured 'yellow bush' hedge runs the perimeter of the fence with graceful slim palms dotting it at well measured intervals. The dark chocolate and mint paint on the walls makes it pop out from other houses on the street. And when the sun rays fall on the tinted sliding glass windows, the reflecting glint is a beautiful spectrum of colors. Oh yes, my house is a balm for sore eyes, if I say so myself.

The lady is not the first person that has openly admired my house like this. I see people stop and stare all the time, their comments filtering into my ears some of the times. The 'oohs' and 'aahs', the prayers for a house as beautiful as mine, praise for the architect and the engineers, desire for just a peek inside, some even express a longing to live there forever. Psst! There's something they don't know.

The ceiling board is soaked and weak from the droplets of water that come through the hole in the roof. But of course, that's too far up for anyone to see. But each time I enter the affected room, the pale maroon and rust colour on the ceiling board is a constant reminder of that leak. And when it rains heavily? Oh, puddles of water are formed below these patches. There's almost no side of wall in this house that does not have a crack some of which run right from the ceiling to the floor. There are creaky doors, faulty tap heads, broken door knobs, slimy gutters and blocked sink drains. The inside of this house is a far cry from the exterior.

This is how many relationships are. Beautiful and desirous on the outside, loads of imperfections, cracks and breakages on the inside, seen only by those in it. When I hear people use a relationship as a prayer point for theirs, I wonder if they would pray such if they could have a peek into what's really happening on the inside.

Like "the house", many of us expend a lot to get a perfect exterior with an interior that's far from okay. Man, appreciate that woman God has so graciously blessed you with. Love her. When you love a woman, you have her. Don't just let it roll off the tip of your tongue, truly and honestly love her. Women can feel it when you're merely paying lip service. A quick trip into the 'laboratory'. Drop a sponge into a bowl of water, now, withdraw it and squeeze. Exactly! That's how a woman is. What you put in her is what you get. 

Woman, honor and respect that man. You chose to get married to him after all. It would be very unfair for you to compare him with your ex or your friend's husband. This is your own man, appreciate him for who he is. The grass just looks greener from where you stand, it is not.

Take care of your 'house', so that the stares and beautiful comments from passers by will match what you have on the inside. Living a beautiful life is so possible.


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