Much Ado About Chewing Gum?

Chewing gum in public is extremely bad manners. But are there times when it's OK to chew gum? Improper gum chewing etiquette has gone under the radar for too long. That’s right, folks, it’s time we stop letting the sweet and/or refreshing scent of chewing gum cloud our judgment. 

From loud obnoxious chewing, to popping bubbles endlessly, to forgetfully letting a small piece hang out of your mouth, gum chewing is rife with potential manners mistakes. The saying, “Can’t chew gum and walk at the same time” is only the start. It seems the moment we pop that decadent chewy square into our mouths, some of us enter a gum-induced trance and forget that there's a big world around us. So, before you unwrap that delicious treat and then go on to annoy everyone around you, check out these tips for proper gum chewing.

Tip #1: Chew With Your Mouth Closed! 
Let’s start off with what is hands down the worst of all gum chewing faux pas – chewing like a cow. Ever seen a cow chew its cud? Disgusting. Ok, so we can't expect animals to have proper manners, but unless you're a current resident of Old MacDonald’s farm, you have no excuse. If for any reason, ANY REASON at all, you cannot chew on a gum with your mouth closed, do yourself and others a huge favour - DON'T CHEW AT ALL.

Loud chewing is distracting, gross, and makes you look sloppy, regardless of how nice the rest of you looks. 

Still doubting this? Here's the truth: When you chew with your mouth open, you look like a complete Neanderthal. Gum is a very tiny object. It’s the size of a dime, not a Subway Footlong. It does not require a large range of motion from your jaw. So if you are truly one of those people who just can’t keep your mouth closed while chewing gum, then at least refrain from chewing it around others. This, you can do, I promise. And when in public, stick to hard mints (and don't suck on those loudly either).

Tip #2: Don't Pop Your Gum (in Public)
The second biggest issue with gum chewing is the popping of gum. One area where the popping of gum is most prevalent (and most annoying) is in an office setting where employees are in cubicles or shared desk space.
Gum is very common in the workplace (often used after lunch). But it seems that the calming sensation of chewing gum involves tuning everyone else out so that some of us feel like we're on an island where loudly popping gum is NOT annoyingly rude.  

Before you say anything, let me assure you that popping your gum inside your mouth doesn't muffle the sound. Yes, we can hear you. And trust me, we want to jump over the desk and strangle you. Think about what you’re doing when you pop your gum; you’re taking something you’re chewing on and using it to make loud noises. How mature is that? It’s a step below making fart noises with your armpit. It’s like taking chicken bones and using them as drumsticks on your plate.

If you are chewing gum – or anything else for that matter – there should be no noise. Nothing! Unless of course it’s a crispy food or a chip or something else where sound is expected. But other than that, if it goes in your mouth, we shouldn’t see it or hear it. When you pop your gum, it shows a total lack of respect for the people around you. I understand that popping your gum is a habit – and possibly a hard one to break. If you need help with that, consider seeing a psychologist.

I also realize people can “zone out” while chewing their gum, but this isn't an excuse to keep the habit going. If you have to pop your gum, I recommend that all popping be relegated to private spaces - like in your car (when you're alone of course), while running or biking outside, or even walking in the halls at the office. Never bring this annoying habit to a place where others have to listen to you.

Tip #3: Don't Chew Gum at the Table
By table, I mean any situation in which you're surrounded by others and will be engaging in conversation. This could be a meal or a meeting. Chewing gum is a casual exercise and some people may think that you're not taking the conversation seriously if you come to the table with a mouthful of Bubblicious. It’s kind of like showing up to a dinner party wearing a ratty t-shirt you would normally wear to the gym.  

As well, the act of removing your gum can also be distracting and gross when it’s done in front of people. There are only so many ways to get rid of gum; you spit it out, you swallow it, or you use your fingers to remove and trash it. Either way, who would want to see that happen at a business meeting?

Allow me to paint a picture for you: I was at a meeting with four colleagues for lunch one day, when a fifth colleague showed up late. She sat down at the table, and then (I kid you not) took the gum out of her mouth and placed it onto her notebook. Stay with me folks. Then after the lunch meeting ended, she took it from the notebook and put it back in her mouth. I.Nearly.Lost.It.

As I said in Tip #2, when food goes in your mouth, it should not make noise, but I guess I should add another rule to that. When food goes in your mouth, it should stay there! Once it goes in, it’s in!  

The point is that there is a time and place for everything, and that includes chewing gum. Unless your job is a baseball player, where chewing gum is allowed (Why is this? I have no idea), then leave the gum in your pocket. When you are at a meeting, you don’t want to draw any negative attention to your mouth. After all, how can you sound calm and collected if you’re tongue tied because of all that rubbery goodness?

Old Time Gum Etiquette
It seems a little antiquated to think of chewing gum being frowned upon in an office setting, but for an amazing number of years it was considered absolutely unprofessional to chew gum while at the office or in a customer service type role like flight attendant or museum tour guide. There is a good solid foundation for this. You wouldn't chew your food in front of your client at a conference table or while talking someone through the Monet section of the museum, therefore you wouldn't chew gum while doing this either.

Recent days have seen the relaxation of work environments and many formal type events are becoming more casual. So I wanted to take a look at some of the things we should keep in mind when considering that double mint gum.

Gum Chewing Etiquette: Where?
I think we shouldn't go any further before we determine where gum chewing is appropriate. Though I find the idea of chewing gum during a staff meeting strange and awkward, you might have more relaxed staff meetings in which people chewing gum is commonplace. As with appropriate attire, follow managements' lead in determining the likelihood that you won't be sacked for chewing gum in the meeting.

If you're going to be in front of people, don't chew gum. Period.

Places to hold your gum include in a job interview, at choir practice, and during a business presentation- even if you're not actually speaking but just part of the presenting team. And the same goes for being in front of people for any situation. Bridesmaids and groomsmen, sitting on stage at graduations, school presentations - think over these situations and try to use common sense. Also, you should spit out your gum if you’ll be in a situation in which you’ll be talking with many people. It's pretty awkward for everyone if you are greeting lots of folks and you are smacking away on your gum - yes, it is almost impossible to chew gum while talking to people and not either smack or show it to someone.

When Gum Chewing is a Good Idea
Though chewing gum can often be a bad idea, it can actually be useful in a number of situations. Chewing a little gum can abate hunger pains and keep your mind off wanting to eat. That just might help you stick to your diet. And of course chewing gum can also help when it comes to bad breath. When in close quarters, minty gum will likely decrease bad breath and increase your stock with those on whom you may be breathing. And while you're at it, you'll be improving your dental hygiene. You might want to go with sugarless gum.

How to Deal With Loud Gum Chewers
If you’re going to be chewing gum, watch out for the smacking. You would think that those folks who smack their gum would actually hear it and realize the terrible sound they are making. But, alas, they do not. So the next time you are chewing gum, take a second and listen to how you chew. If you are smacking, adjust yourself and others will be grateful.

If you find yourself in close quarters with someone who is smacking away and you just can’t concentrate, do these two things in this order:

Step 1: Look objectively at the situation and determine if it’s absolutely imperative that this person stop smacking their gum before you smack them. In a completely public situation, it’s not everyone’s job to do what you like. If you can move, do so. If you are simply stuck, like on a train, calm yourself. Then if you still can’t handle it, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Understand that any action you take might fall on deaf ears. Then politely say, “You seem to be concentrating really hard so I apologize for interrupting, but your gum is really loud.” If the culprit doesn't take your hint, add, “If you chew a little more quietly, I promise I won't have a nervous breakdown right here on the train.”

Don't just be a Grumpy Gus and drop that bomb on the person and then retreat. Even a slight - be it genuine or not - interest in them or what they are reading might ease the weight of your words.

If the loud gum chewer is one of your coworkers, calmly approach them and affect your most matter of fact voice when you say, "Hey there. You probably don't realize it, but you are smacking your gum like you're in your private space. I'm having a hard time concentrating. Would you mind being a little softer or waiting until later to chew?" There is a chance that won't work so make sure you have a backup like big-time noise reducing headphones.

Chewing Gum Bubble Etiquette
Many gum chewers can’t resist the urge to blow bubbles. To the popper of gum, if you are outside or things are really informal, blow all the bubbles you want. Do not, however, do either of these in more formal public settings, especially at work, school, and church. Yes, I did say church. If you are a congregant in a church and can maintain a low key gum chewing session, the activity might help you concentrate. Don't be the trendsetter, though. Some settings are more relaxed than others so, again, use common sense to make your decision.

Politely Disposing of Your Used Gum
Now, when it comes time to dispose of your gum, don't drop it on the street, in the grass, in a water fountain, in a urinal, or stick it to the underside of something. And do not place your used gum on the bumper of someone else's car because when they return to their mobile and see the sticky mess, it will have even the most mannerly of people thinking unmannerly thoughts. Sorry. Back on track - the best thing to do is to keep the wrapper and use that wrapper as a sanitary way to transfer the gum from your mouth to the trash. Sometimes gum doesn't come in a wrapper so try to find something similar like a tissue or piece of paper to use in this situation. Find the nearest trash can and put it in.

These last two suggestions are usually best when done with discretion.

If you are going to use your fingers to discard your gum, touch the tips of your fingers to your tongue to get them a little wet before grabbing the gum. That will keep the gum from sticking to your fingers during the transfer. And wash those hands when you're done.

Should you be without paper or are just totally grossed out by touching your used gum, spitting your gum out directly into the garbage is acceptable but only when done with the utmost discretion. This is not something to be done in front of others.

A final recap: Use common sense to know where to chew your gum, keep your noise level down so you're not distracting to someone else, and always dispose of your gum in a waste bin when you are finished with it. Following these simple rules will keep your manners in tip top shape should you choose to chew some gum.

Culled and edited. Images: Google


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