Musing; Hiding In Plain Sight

Taking a leisurely walk through the park, I gazed up intermittently. The canopies formed by the trees intrigued me. Some of them wound around each other like they were in some foliage union. Unrelated species, starting off at distinct points on the ground grew into indistinguishable entities at the top. It was a marvel. This particular tree bore another completely different specie in the hollow of its womb. It shot out like a child playing on the lap of its mother. Secured in its nesting place, it was in an upward reach to join the already existing committee of others. I was pleasantly entertained by the beauty of it all. 

A little ways off, in another clearing, I lifted my face to see the pattern of the canopy above. This seemed like a family meeting of sorts. All the trees here were cloaked alike. Except one. It stood out. While the others looked like mothers with their hands down, protecting their young, this special one was reaching for the sun. It was different, in build and shape. All its branches were pointing upwards, they seemed to be reaching out to be carried. Seemed to be silently shouting out for help.

I paused to think about this. How many times we hide in plain sight. How many times a good number of us are silently screaming out to be picked up, held up and rescued from the lone situation we find ourselves in. Like that tree, sometimes, we stray into unfamiliar territories and find that we really have no kindred in such settings. We feel alone, we feel lonely. And while others are being looked out for, taken care of by their own, we are left grasping for the slightest ray of light we can see, reaching out to whoever or whatever can come to our rescue at that point. We are in plain sight, hiding, saying and doing all the right things, yet fighting a hollow within.

Somewhere in my mind, I keep thinking that those disturbing world peace today are some of those hiding in plain sight. They are troubled but have been told to be strong, told to stuff it and be 'men', told that other people also have problems and do not have the time to tend to them. In seeking to fill their hollow, they lash out, they destroy and maim and we all are forced to pay them attention. I don't in any way condone or make excuses for acts of wanton destruction and/or terrorism, I'm only saying we may want to pay a little more attention to the next person. I look out for you, you look out for me, and we are all covered.

It amazes me how trees could teach me about man. How strongly they could express a feeling I know too well. How succinctly they pointed me in the direction of an answer I sought for myself. I'll definitely be going back to that park. Who knows, my friends could have some other silent message to pass to me.


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