What You Didn't Know About The Ambidextrous

Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both left and right appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance. People that are naturally ambidextrous are uncommon, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous. The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person's ambidexterity.

In modern times, it is more common to find some people considered ambidextrous who were originally left handed and who learned to be ambidextrous, either deliberately or during childhood institutions such as schools, or jobs where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required. 

Since many everyday devices (such as can openers and scissors) are asymmetrical and designed for right-handed people, many left-handlers learn to use them right-handedly due to the rarity or lack of left-handed models. Thus, left-handed people are much more likely to
develop motor skills in their non-dominant hand than right-handed people (who are not subjected to left-favoring devices). Right-handers may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or arm. Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as knitting, typing on a computer, juggling, swimming, percussion, keyboard music, baseball, paintball, lacrosse, surgery, boxing, martial arts, Capoeira, Parkour, Association Football, and basketball.

Facts About The Ambidextrous
1. If you can write equally well with either hand, then you are the one percent. Even among the small population of ā€˜multi-handedā€™ individuals, very few experience equal ease and skill with both hands. In comparison, around 10% of people are lefties.

2. Right-, left- and mixed-handedness arenā€™t sufficient to define the preferences of most people, according to experts. Most people experience some level of cross-dominance ā€” favoring one hand for certain tasks, even if itā€™s the non-dominant one ā€” and among the group of people who use both hands, there are even finer distinctions. Ambidextral refers to those who can use both hands as well as a right-handerā€™s right hand (so, really well), and ambisinistral can be used to describe people who use both hands as well as a right-handerā€™s left hand (that is, somewhat clumsily).

3. Unlike righties, who show strong left brain dominance, the hemispheres of ambidextrous and left-handed peopleā€™s brains are almost symmetric . . .

4. . . . as is the typical brain of a person with synesthesia, or ā€œmixed senses,ā€ who experiences cross-sensory perception. Among synesthetes, the instance of ambidexterity (and left-handedness) is much higher than in the general population.

5. The ambidextrous are more likely to possess the LRRTM1 gene (on chromosome 2), which is linked to schizophrenia. Studies reveal that people with schizophrenia are significantly more likely to be ambidextrous or left-handed than people who are not schizophrenic.

6. Another study, conducted through the BBC Science website, shows that of the one percent of 255,000 respondents who indicated equal ease writing with both hands, 9.2% of men and 15.6% of women reported being bisexual. In the same study, 4% of right-handed and 4.5% of left-handed men, and 6.2% of right-handed and 6.3% of left-handed women said theyā€™re attracted to both sexes.

7. People who identify as ā€˜either-handedā€™ score slightly lower overall in general intelligence testing, and most often those scores are lower in arithmetic, memory and reasoning. . .

8. . . . except when they arenā€™t. A study of 8000 children ages 7 and 8 shows that the 87 mixed-handed students had more pronounced difficulties in language skills, and at ages 15 and 16, the same students showed a higher risk of ADHD symptoms and performed academically under both right- and left-handed students from the same sample.

9. Ambis can be quick to anger, according to a study from Merrimack College, which suggests a higher interlinking of brain hemispheres found in ambidextrous and lefties. A follow-up study found that the increased hemisphere connections correlate to increased awkwardness, clumsiness and moodiness.

10. But inconsistent-handers can also be easier to sway emotionally. Montclair State University tested a group of right- left and either-handers for emotional stability. Their findings report that of the group, righties were hardest to coerce, and ambis were most likely to report a change in mood based on their surroundings, directed thought, and music.

11. Itā€™s not all bad news for the handedness-ambivalent, though. Being able to use both hands with (almost) equal ease can really pay off, especially in sports, arts and music. Some reportedly cross-dominant celebrities and historic figures include Leonardo da Vinci, Pete Rose, Richard Feynman, pitcher Greg A. Harris, Michelle Kwan, Shigeru Miyamoto, Paul McCartney, Benjamin Franklin and Harry Truman.

Culled and edited. Images: Google


  1. ambidext is top class you get HUGE extra feelings to process/sec as you use you other hand =s extra electro chem action reaction im unused parts of the brain = NEW THINKING IN NEW BRAIN AREAS/SEC


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